Expedition Medicine Course Dates


Expedition Medicine is the leading provider of expedition and wilderness medicine courses, both here in the UK and also in a number of carefully selected overseas locations.

2008 is nearly upon us and we have our usual favourite courses plus our NEW Desert & Diving courses: 

Polar Medicine Course – Norway 17th – 23rd February 2008.  Click here for further details, waiting list only.

EML UK Course – Keswick, Cumbria 17th – 20th March 2008.  Click here for further details, waiting list only.

Desert Medicine Course – Namibia 17th – 23rd August 2008.  Click here for further details.

DATES NOW FINALISED for the Diving & Marine Medicine Course Oman 18th – 24th October 2008.  Click here for further details. 

Jungle Medicine Course – Costa Rica 9th – 15th November 2008.  Click here for further details.  

For application forms or further details visit our website.

Jungle Medicine write up in the BMJ

Dr Sean Hudson, Expedition Medicine director in Patriot Hills, Antarctica.

Polar MedicineIn the Fridge

Dr Sean Hudson is a founding director of Expedition Medicine which

Expedition Medicine is the leading provider of expedition and wilderness medicine courses, both here in the UK and also in a number of carefully selected overseas locations.

A chance meeting at a MRT conference in 2007 led to the opportunity to help set up the most remote expedition clinic in the world. The medical clinic run by Antarctic Logistics and Expeditions (ALE) provides advice, support and rescue to all the expeditions on the Antarctic continent. It is a four flight to Punta Arenas, but this is only when the IL76 (jet) can land on the blue ice runway. The camp and clinic nestle under the Patriot Hills, which provide a beautiful backdrop to this most stunning of locations. Though temperatures can plummet, especially in the early part of the season, generally the weather is pretty kind, with average temperatures being around -15ºC and winds only occasionally picking up to 70 knots (120km/h). 

During the season, which lasts from November to January, the camp plays host to over 300 individuals, who come to Patriot Hills to start their journey to the South Pole skiing, climbing Mount Vinsen, or just to fly out to the South Pole and experience being in one of the most incredible places on earth. 

All of these people need to be assessed and seen by the clinic or by the medical team in the UK, which can be interesting as many of them speak little English and my grasp of Russian, Norwegian or Spanish extends little beyond “you have a big bum”! Most have a very good knowledge of the environment and its dangers but there is always the odd person who descends from the IL76 onto the ice runway in high heels and has a wardrobe full of miniskirts and tight tops (and newly acquired breasts). 

The clinic is incredibly well thought out and has the capacity to manage most medical scenarios. The commonest complaint is of course frostbite. However most of my time was spent lecturing teams to ensure they new how to cope with the environment and avoid injury, or getting involved in the work of other departments. Putting up tents, helping with cooking, assisting the comms officers, and in the off time climbing, skiing and snowmobiling (hard life).

It was a hard but rewarding 6 weeks which Id recommend to anyone who has ever fancied a challenge.

Dr Sean Hudson

Find out more about Expedition Medicine Polar Medicine training course.

Desert Medicine Course in Namibia

Desert Medicine

We are proud to let you know about our brand new desert medicine course located in Namibia’s

Located in the stunning Damaraland region in the shadow of its highest peak the stunning Brandberg Mountain, reason all by itself to come join us. The course aims to introduce participants to the skills required to be a valuable member of a desert expeditionary team, and to care for and treat injuries and illnesses likely to occur in this harsh environment.   

We will use the natural environment as our classroom teaching the essential expedition medical skills required to care for and treat injuries and illnesses likely to occur in this unforgiving environment. To find out more visit our Desert Medicine web page here, the main Expedition Medicine site here or download an application form here, but hurry places have already started to be taken.  

Any questions?   Luci @ admin@expeditionmedicine.co.uk

New Diving Medicine course launched


18th – 24th October 2008, BANDAR KHAIRAN – OMAN

Numbers are strictly limited on what promises to be superb course- make sure you sign up early to avoid disappointment  

We at Expedition Medicine are very excited at being able to offer an inspirational course for all those medical professionals responsible for clients or expedition team members in a diving or marine environment.  

diving-medicine-course-52-med.jpgThe course is based in Oman a country which as recently emerged from its self imposed isolation, revealing a land of friendly people and dramatic landscapes bordered by an incredibly rich marine environment . We will be scuba diving in the Bandar Khairan area an area of outstanding natural beauty, boasting rocky outcrops, deserted beaches and small islands accessible only by boat. The underwater scenery is similarly dramatic with picturesque walls and reefs festooned with healthy corals and teeming with marine life. 

Find out more about the Diving Medicine course here

Download an application form here

The Expedition Medicine website

Contact Us | phone: +44 (0)1935 700322 | email: admin@expeditionmedicine.co.uk